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2-3 year - Blossoms

Please feel free to contact us to setup a time when you can come tour our facility and meet our staff. We look forward to meeting you and your children.


Blossoms Room


These children are becoming ever more curious and interested in the world around them.  Time to be creative, confident and unique is essential.

In the 2-3 room there are plenty of opportunities to build on those newly founded sensory skills through heuristic play and music times.  Activities are readily available for all age groups. Creative experiences are also always available, for example themed water play, sand play and an array of 'messy' materials from clay to junk modelling.


We appreciate that there are times during the day that children just need quiet time so stories, puzzles, age appropriate games and language development activities are always on the go.  At this age children regularly test the boundaries and they are rightly finding their feet with what is okay and what isn't; but with care and consideration from our team they are guided in the right direction!


The children have free access all day to ICT facilities, construction, messy play and make believe to name but a few. All children have access to outdoor play on a daily basis whatever the weather.


Pictures: See Gallery

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