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Opening Times:


8.00am – 3.00pm

Open 38 Weeks a Year Monday to Friday only Excluding Bank Holidays


Funded Sessions:


Morning Session: 8.45 am to 11.45 am or 8.30am to 11.30am

Afternoon Session: 12.00 pm to 3.00 pm

30 hour session: 9.00am - 3.00pm and/or between 8.00am - 3.00pm


We also offer a range of Flexible sessions that suit parents growing needs, so if a different timing that suits is required  - please talk to our staff and we will try our best to accommodate you.

Opening Times & Sessions


Fees & Funding

Please feel free to contact us to setup a time when you can come tour our facility and meet our staff. We look forward to meeting you and your children.


Funded Placement Entitlement:

All 3 year olds are entitled to free 15 hours p/w placement. The entitlement starts from the term following their 3rd birthday.



The nursery offers sessions/hours outside the free funded sessions, please contact the nursery for details.                                                           (The cost per session depends on age)


Childcare Vouchers:

Childcare vouchers are exempt from national insurance and tax up to the value of £55 per week, so it is possible for you to save up to £1,195 per annum; or up to £2,390 if both parents belong to a scheme.

The vouchers are provided through your employer and benefit them too because the NI exemption applies to both Employee's and Employer's NI payments.

We are currently registered with most recognised voucher schemes, although we are happy to register with, and accept vouchers from new schemes also.


Childcare Element of Working Tax Credit:

If you are a working parent(s) and on Tax Credit, you may be able to apply for refund of up to 70% of your childcare costs - Please contact HMRC for further help, and/or be eligible for 30 hours funding (3 and 4 year olds)


Early Years Pupil Premium:

Since April 2015 pupil premium has been available for 3 and 4 year children.


The Early Years Pupil Premium provides an extra 53 pence per hour for three and four year old children whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits or who were formerly in local authority care but who left care because they were adopted or were subject to a special guardianship or child arrangements order.

This means an extra 302 a year for each child; this additional money could make a significant difference to us in supporting children to reach their full potential.



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